• PreK enroll roundup

    Pre-K Enrollment for 2024-25

  • Step 1: Register ONLINE starting April 2, 6 p.m.

    • Please review the website for Pre-K eligibility - ROISD will have full-day Pre-K at all campuses in 2024-25 until at capacity.
    • If slots fill up, ROISD will offer additional slots as feasible, at campuses with space.
    • Pre-K Registration will be time-stamped when completed online and slots will fill first-come, first-served.
    • Kindergarten is open to all students age 5 on or before Sept. 1.
    • Computers are available at campuses if needed for registration.

    Step 2: Attend the Pre-K Round Up April 9, 12-6 p.m. at Wooden

    • Pre-K parents must provide verification of eligibility - income or foster care verification, military ID, etc. See the website for the list or eligibility.
    • Language testing will be administered onsite.

    Pre-Kindergarten Program

    Pre-K online enrollment starts Tuesday, April 2 at 6 p.m. online

    Red Oak ISD plans to offer full-day Pre-K to qualified students in both English and Dual Language. Enrollment for the full-day program will be first-come, first-served for both English and Dual Language programs. While we will attempt to place all students in their neighborhood school, the Pre-K program will overflow to other campuses based on numbers, on a first-come-first-served basis. All elementary campuses will have computers available to assist with enrollment. Please enroll online at New Student Enrollment.