District of Innovation

  • Red Oak ISD is a District of Innovation, a designation that grants flexibility to Texas school districts, allowing them to pursue local initiatives.

    Every decision is made with our students in mind. Being a District of Innovation allows us to fully support student learning. With a goal of preparing students to be successful in the world in which they will enter upon graduation, Red Oak ISD has made major changes to our classroom environment and all components of our program, including our staff development training, hiring practices, and our instructional delivery.


    In May 2016, the ROISD School Board passed a resolution allowing the district to explore becoming a District of Innovation. The designation as District of Innovation allows Texas public school districts more flexibility and local control and is effective for 5 years. In the Spring 2021, the District Advisory Committee developed the next 5 year District of Innovation Plan. 

    What is a District of Innovation?

    A District of Innovation is a designation that allows Texas public school districts more flexibility and local control. The designation is made possible through legislation (House Bill 1842, Texas Education Code Chapter 12A) by the Texas Legislature in 2015.

    Links to State Resources that Further Explain the Law and the Process:

    For more information, email denise.lawrence@redoakisd.org.