- Red Oak Independent School District
- Student Dress Code
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Student Dress Code
ROISD Student Dress Code
The only change from 2023-24 is that students may wear jackets or sweatshirts with a hood, but the hood cannot be on the student's head when in the building.
If the hood is worn on the head in the building, the hoodie shirt, sweatshirt or jacket may be collected by administration and parents will be required to pick them up at the front office. If it becomes an issue with multiple students not following the rule of no hoodies on the head, due to safety and security, the district will revert to “no” hoodie shirts, sweatshirts or jackets being allowed to be worn in the building at all. It is the responsibility of the student to follow these rules and guidelines for safety/identification purposes. We are asking parents to reinforce this with their students for the safety and security of our campuses.
The purpose of the ROISD Dress Code is to set a district-wide expectation for attire and to give campuses a positive identity that reflects the values of the school and community. It is also to promote grooming and hygiene, assist with student and staff safety, prevent disruption, and teach respect. All students are required to comply with the ROISD Dress Code.
The cooperation of parents/guardians and students and the consistent and fair enforcement of the dress code by teachers and administration is essential for effectiveness and safety. Each student and parent/guardian shall be responsible for ensuring compliance with the standards presented in the dress code.
- Student IDs MUST be worn and visible at all times during the school day.
- ROHS and ROMS students MUST wear a neck lanyard with their ID visible for consistent identification.
- Failure to do so will result in a dress code violation and the consequences as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct.
Any style of dress or grooming that distracts from the instructional process is unacceptable. Any part of a student’s appearance and/or clothing or accessories that are extreme enough to create a disturbance or disrupt the normal routine of the school shall be deemed inappropriate.
- Clothing allowed in all colors, print, patterns, etc. as well as fabrics includes cotton, denim, silk, flannel, linen, etc.
- No wording or graphics that promote violence, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, firearms, or gang affiliation or is obscene, crude, vulgar, or defamatory or that cause a disruption of the educational setting.
- No hoodies or head coverings including caps, berets, head scarfs (unless for documented medical or religious reasons, hoods (hoodies), Du rags, sweatbands, kerchiefs, or visors are allowed to be worn in the building.
- No rips or tears that expose skin or undergarments (patches allowed).
- No underwear or undergarments may be exposed and/or visible at any time. However, sufficient/appropriate underclothing is required.
- Clothing items cannot be worn in any way that reflects gang affiliation, conceals contraband, or creates a distraction.
- No costumes, trench coats, or dusters.
TOPS (including outerwear coats/jackets)
Button-downs, polos, t-shirts, blouses, sweaters, vests, sweatshirts, coats, etc.
Students may wear jackets or sweatshirts with a hood, but the hood cannot be on the student's head when in the building.- No sleeveless, backless, halter tops, tank tops, tube tops, crop tops or spaghetti straps.
- No muscle shirts or shirts with large armholes.
- No shirts that show any midriff or cleavage.
Pants/jeans, shorts, dresses, skirts, skorts, and jumpers.
- No pants of any kind with holes or frayed material that reveals any area of skin or undergarments.
- Absolutely no underwear or undergarments may be exposed and no pants below the hips.
- No pajamas or sleepwear; coveralls; strapless or spaghetti strap dresses; or sliding/biking/compression shorts.
- Shorts, skorts, dresses may not be shorter than fingertip length; skirt slits no higher than mid-thigh.
- No overalls for secondary students (except Senior days; allowed at elementary).
- No one-piece jumpsuits for secondary students (allowed at elementary).
- No house shoes, slippers, metal cleats or shoes with wheel
- Dress or grooming that presents a disruption, health, or safety hazard to the students or others is expressly prohibited.
- Students’ hair, including facial hair, shall be clean, neatly cut, and combed so as to be kept out of the eyes.
- Tattoos that are obscene, crude, defamatory, vulgar, or related to gang/criminal activity shall be covered while at any school activity.
- Clear backpacks are required for secondary students (Gr. 6-12)
- Clear backpacks are preferred for elementary students (Gr. PreK-5)
- Backpacks must be clear plastic, not tinted or full mesh (some mesh on water bottle holder allowed)
- Straps can be solid colored
- Students may have a small clutch purse (4.5x6.5) with or without a handle or strap
- Bags for school activities (fine arts, athletics) should be stored in the activity area or designated campus area outside of the main building.
Here is a quality clear bag option, a suggestion only, not endorsed by ROISD - https://techproducts360.com/products/core-clear-backpack?pr_prod_strat=use_description&pr_rec_id=3569e1d8e&pr_rec_pid=6929210802261&pr_ref_pid=4454906953813&pr_seq=uniform
- Secondary (Gr. 6-12, ROMS and ROHS): Each dress code violation after two warnings will result in three (3) points on the disciplinary point scale. Students will be required to have parents/guardians bring appropriate, compliant clothing to the student or the student will remain in the ISS room for the remainder of the school day. No student will be allowed in the regular classroom setting while not in compliance with ROISD Dress Code. Please review the ROISD Student Code of Conduct for complete discipline consequences.
- Elementary (PK-5): Students will be required to have parents/guardians bring appropriate, compliant clothing to the student or the student will remain in the ISS room for the remainder of the school day. No student will be allowed in the regular classroom setting while not in compliance with ROISD Dress Code. Please review the ROISD Student Code of Conduct for complete discipline consequences.