• Elementary Bilingual/ESL Summer School

    Elementary students eligible for Elementary or Bilingual/English-as-a-Second Language Summer School will be notified directly. Both programs will be held at Wooden Elementary.

    • June 3-June 20, half-day mornings for elementary students
    • June 3-June 21, all-day for BIL/ESL students

    High School Summer School

    We are beginning the process of planning for summer school and looking at opportunities for high school students. Staff will be working diligently through the rest of the semester with teachers to monitor course grades, and towards the end of May, we will be looking at EOC scores to make sure we serve students both efficiently and effectively in summer school.

    Student needs to pass both an EOC and the corresponding course for credit.

    • Students can earn course credit, HB1416 hours, and take EOC; most will focus on a single subject.
    • Summer School:
      • June 3-20, half-day mornings for secondary students
      • Summer EOC retest dates TBD
      • No charge for summer school*

    Student passed the course, but need to pass EOC.

    • Students can earn HB1416 hours, and take EOC; most will focus on a single subject.
    • Summer School:
      • June 3-20, half-day mornings for secondary students
      • Summer EOC retest dates TBD
      • No charge for summer school*

    STUDENT Goal #3 (limited to spot availability):
    Student failed a course (or semester) and need to make up credit

    • Most students will focus on a single subject for a full credit, or two subjects for .5 credit each.
    • These spots will be offered to seniors first then down to freshmen as needed.
    • Summer School:
      • June 3-20, half-day mornings for secondary students
      • Students needing summer school to recover course credit only, will be charged $125 for each course (only two courses can be taken per summer). Students on free- or reduced-price meals will pay $75 per course.

    Counselors and summer school staff have been and will continue to reach out as we close the books on the semester. Please watch emails/calls and respond in a timely manner to secure your student’s spot for summer school, if needed.

    *Any HB1416 courses are at no charge as the state currently offsets the course expenses.
    If a student is taking a course for credit only, the student will be charged for the class.
