Student Services Department

  • Student Services Department provides the following services.


    Student Services assists parents who have special circumstances regarding guardianship including but not limited to Power of Attorney, Multi-family and Grandparent Clause.  This department also helps verify and investigate student residency issues.


    Campus administrators and parents/guardians are advised and assisted with district and state policies regarding student attendance, including truancy enforcement. 


    Student Services assist parents/guardians with the unique behavioral and academic needs of students and with the Disciplinary Alternative Education Program (DAEP) and supports these students during transitions to and from the regular campus.

  • Cristi Watts

    Cristi Watts
    Executive Director of Student Services

    Office Hours:

    Monday - Friday
    8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.


    Office Location:

    156 Louise Ritter Blvd
    CTE Building
    Red Oak, Texas 75154

    Contact Info:

    Email Cristi Watts