- Red Oak Independent School District
- Community Involvement
ROISD Community Involvement
Red Oak ISD has numerous avenues for community involvement including committees, councils, PTA, volunteering, direct conversations with the superintendent, and district communication platforms.
- Each year, Red Oak ISD holds an election for School Board positions (rotating based on three-year terms). Candidates must meet state eligibility requirements and be elected by the ROISD voting community.
- For information, contact Debbie Temple (debbie.temple@redoakisd.org)
Coffee Talks with Superintendent
- Superintendent Brenda Sanford hosts the ROISD Coffee Talk, open to the entire community. Coffee Talk is a monthly series of casual conversations about all things happening in Red Oak ISD.
- Talks are currently held virtually.
- For information, contact Beth Trimble (beth.trimble@redoakisd.org)
Community Partner Academy (CPA)
- The Red Oak ISD Community Partner Academy is open to Red Oak ISD citizens and/or Red Oak area business owners that want to build their understanding of the school district, including the processes that operate within. The program will consist of six half-day sessions from October to April. These sessions will include campus and district facilities tours and opportunities to visit school board members, administrators, and staff.
- The application opens in early fall each year.
- For information, contact Karen Anderson (karen.anderson@redoakisd.org)
District Advisory Committee (DAC)
- The District Advisory Committee (DAC) is a group of individuals who meet four to six times per year to advise the Superintendent and the School Board on educational plans, goals, performance objectives, and major classroom instructional programs.
- Red Oak ISD continually seeks individuals willing to serve on district committees and task forces to improve and study the education provided in the district. Parents, community members, and business representatives who are interested in serving on a District Advisory Committee or any future committees are asked to email Instructional Support Specialist, Denise Lawrence (denise.lawrence@redoakisd.org)
Mentoring - Mentors Care Program
- Red Oak ISD has partnered with Mentors Care and has a campus liaison who works with both students and mentors to provide one-on-one mentoring for students on the campus.
- For details and to sign up anytime, email Crystal Doshier (Crystal.Doshier@redoakisd.org)
Organization and Team Booster Clubs
- The Booster Clubs at the Red Oak Independent School District are a support extension for the entire athletic and fine arts programs. Parental and community participation in these clubs is encouraged. The Booster Clubs play an important role in helping to enrich and promote the school’s extracurricular activities.
- Each Booster Club has varying sign-up times.
PTAs - each campus
- Each ROISD campus has an active Parent Teacher Association (or PTSA at ROHS).
- Parents should contact their campus to join the school PTA.
Red Oak Community Advisory Council (ROCAC)
- The Red Oak ISD Community Advisory Council is a group of approximately 40 interested individuals (parents, staff, community members) who meet 9-10 times per year to be a sounding board for the Superintendent on educational plans, goals, performance objectives, and major classroom instructional programs and offer insight into community perceptions.
- The application for the next year opens each summer.
- For information, contact Beth Trimble (beth.trimble@redoakisd.org)
- The Red Oak HS Alumni Association is for former students who have graduated and want to remain involved in the District.
- Membership is just $10. Contact Membership VP Laura Kelly, (laura.kelly@redoakisd.org)
School Health Advisory Council
- SHAC is a group of individuals, representative of segments of the community, appointed by the school district to serve at the district level. They provide advice on coordinated school health programs and their impact on student health and learning.
- If you are interested in becoming a member of the SHAC Council, please email Deb Harner (deb.harner@redoakisd.org)
Senior Citizen Gold Card and Luncheons
- Red Oak ISD appreciates the support and involvement of our senior citizens. Each semester, senior citizens in the community are invited to a luncheon in their honor.
- Senior Citizen Gold Card members receive invitations to district events throughout the year and enjoy discount offerings.
- For information, contact Debbie Temple (debbie.temple@redoakisd.org)
Superintendent's Student Advisory Council
- The Superintendent meets monthly with a diverse group of students from Red Oak High School to gather their input, hear concerns and suggestions, and bounce ideas about the District off our student population.
- The student membership is provided to the Supt. by the high school principal.
- For information, contact Beth Trimble (beth.trimble@redoakisd.org)
- In Red Oak ISD, we love our parent volunteers! If you would like to become involved in activities ranging from field trips to mentoring students and organizing classroom parties, please sign up to be a volunteer.
- For information, contact Karen Anderson (karen.anderson@redoakisd.org)