Branding Standards

  • Intellectual Property of Red Oak ISD

    Please be advised that all District logos, mascots and symbols are the intellectual property of the Red Oak Independent School District and are protected under local, state and federal statutes.

    The District grants permission to District-affiliated school support organizations to use District logos, mascots, or symbols to promote student groups, activities or events if the use is in furtherance of school-related business.

    Members of the general public, outside organizations, vendors, commercial manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers shall not use District logos, mascots, or symbols without the written permission of the Superintendent or Chief Communications Officer.

    For more information, contact the Communications Coordinator at 972-617-2941 or


    Official Name

    The District's official name is Red Oak Independent School District.

    All internal and external communication, documents, flyers, and brochures should state Red Oak Independent School District or, at minimum, Red Oak ISD or ROISD. To maintain the integrity of the district's image, these guidelines have been established to provide for a uniform and professional appearance for information distributed in the name of the district.


    Official Mascot and Colors

    The official mascot for Red Oak ISD is the Hawk.

    The official colors for Red Oak ISD are Maroon and White.

    Sample of district colors-dark maroon and white  

    Red Oak Maroon

    Print:  CMYK 34, 98, 96, 53

    Pantone: 1815C

    Digital: RGB 80, 0, 0

    HEX: #500000


    Print: CMYK 0, 0, 0, 0

    Pantone: white

    Digital: RGB 255, 255, 255

    HEX: #ffffff


    Official Logos

    Red Oak ISD processes a unique visual identity that begins first and foremost with the District's official logo. The district's logo conveys our "brand" or "image" to the community, state, and world. It is imperative that our brand be consistent, regardless of the medium, so that our stakeholders continue to view Red Oak ISD as a school district who promotes "Our Students' Success is Our Success."

    Please note that these logos are the intellectual property of Red Oak ISD and one must contact the Communications Department at 972-617-2941 or to not only receive permission to utilize the logos, but also to receive the logos in the correct colors stated above. If approved, the Communications Department may request to review the materials for which the district's logos are being placed.

    sample of ROISD logo variations