School Health Advisory Council (SHAC)

  • What is SHAC?

    SHAC is a group of individuals, representative of segments of the community, appointed by the school district to serve at the district level. They provide advice on coordinated school health programs and its impact on student health and learning.

    Every independent school district is required by law to have a School Health Advisory Council (SHAC); of which, the majority of members must be parents who are not employed by the school district. (Title 2, Chapter 28, Section 28.004 of the Texas Education code)

    It is important to emphasize that SHAC provides advice and can only make recommendations to the District's Board of Trustees. They are not part of the paid administrative staff or structure of the schools; nor do they have legal responsibilities within the school district.

    If you are interested in becoming a member of the SHAC Council, please email Deb Harner (

    Mission Statement

    The mission of the Red Oak ISD SHAC is to advocate for a healthy environment, promote school health and safety, and encourage healthy life long practices throughout the district and community.


    The goal of the ROISD SHAC is to advise ROISD decision-makers regarding students’ needs and assets related to health knowledge and skills, regarding policies and procedures that impact student health, and regarding the health of the school environment. See TAC Education Code 28.004(a) for specific objectives and duties assigned.


    To learn more about the authority, responsibilities, decision-making, membership, and executive committee of the ROISD School Health Advisory Council, please review the SHAC By-laws.

    October 8, 2024 SHAC Zoom Meeting

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    School Health Advisory Council

    Contact Information:

    Deb Harner
    SHAC Coordinator

    Email Deb Harner