Elevate Program

  • General Information

    The Elevate Program serves special education students, ages 18-21 that meet specific requirements. They spend half a day attending classes at Navarro College and half a day on a job site (all or part of a week).

    During their time on campus at Navarro College they are taking courses that focus on improving work related reading and communication skills. They will also learn basic computer skills and develop employment and job search skills. Students will also be enrolled in a physical activity course. Upon completion of all courses a Continuing Education Certificate of Completion for Marketable Skills will be awarded.

    Elevate Objectives

    • Rise up developmentally delayed students to be self-sufficient, independent, contributing members of society.
    • Place students in age-appropriate settings and provide them with opportunities to reach for education. We challenge the students by expecting them to reach for knowledge rather than having knowledge diluted below the student’s level.
    • Tolerance is not achieved in a vacuum. Working, learning and living with others who are different encourages acceptance. Exposure to other lifestyles, beliefs and abilities will help all those involved to learn tolerance for those we may not understand.
    • Inclusion of students with disabilities will teach entities to collaborate for the good of all members of its society. These shared activities create a cooperative community that values all persons regardless of their differences.
    • Provide students with reoccurring opportunities to succeed on campus, at work and in relationships to build self-esteem. Taking each success to build upon and raise each individual to stand on their own and pursue a fulfilling happy life.
    • Through the practical application of all the elements described, provide a gateway opportunity to the members of the program to go on with the socialization integration in to the community as well as the workplace.

    Elevate Pre-Requisites

    • Completion of academic credits for graduation from their current high school
    • 18-21 years of age as defined by IDEA
    • Independent Self-Skills (eating, using a toilet, and other personal care skills)
    • Demonstrate employability skills
    • Able to understand and take responsibility for one’s own actions

    For additional information, download the ELEVATE PROGRAM INFORMATION PACKET.