Instructional Arrangements & Services

  • Red Oak ISD endeavors to serve students with disabilities in the least restrictive environment which meets their educational needs.  A variety of instructional arrangements permit effective student programming.  The following instructional arrangements/services are available:

    • Mainstream / Inclusion 
      The general education program is accommodated or modified through the use of special education support services, supplemental aids, or other special arrangements in the general classroom setting.
    • Content Mastery 
      A special education teacher, or a paraprofessional under the supervision of the teacher, assists the students with disabilities in the general classroom and/or in a special education classroom, depending on individual need.
    • Resource 
      Each student enrolled participates in the general school program and receives the assistance of a special education teacher only in the areas in which a specifically identified disability exists.
    • Self-Contained 
      Student with disabilities receives instruction in a classroom with other students with disabilities and instruction in mainstream classes in which they can be successful.
    • Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE)
      A special education teacher provides instruction to students (ages 3-5) who meet one of the areas of eligibility.
    • Speech Therapy 
      This service is provided by a speech therapist, speech language pathologist, or speech language pathology assistant to those students who qualify. Instruction is offered for articulation, voice, stuttering, and language development.
    • FOCUS/"Fostering Opportunities for Classroom Ultimate Success" 
      An ARD Committee places students in this program to learn self control techniques, appropriate school behavior and social skills, while maintaining or remediating their academic skills.
    • Homebound Program 
      A teacher provides instruction to students (general education or special education) confined to their home or a hospital for medical reasons only. This short-term service enables the student to keep up with assignments and is not intended for minor illnesses. Students must meet state eligibility guidelines to qualify for services.
    • Transition Services 
      This service is a coordinated set of activities, for a student with a disability, that will prepare the student for successful living and vocational experiences after leaving high school.
    • Assistive Technology 
      A team of special education professionals assess a student’s need for assistive device(s) that will enable the student to participate in learning.
    • Adapted Physical Education 
      Students who cannot safely participate in grade level physical education classes are assessed in gross motor skills development and an IEP is developed by the ARD Committee to address these needs.
    • Related Services 
      ROISD provides occupational therapy, physical therapy, counseling, behavior management, transportation, audiology, and orientation and mobility to assist students with disabilities in maximizing their educational benefits.
    • Full and Individual Evaluation / FIE 
      The FIE is available by appropriate referral to students residing within the Red Oak ISD boundaries. Evaluation personnel serve the schools by administering evaluations, making recommendations for Individual Education Plan (IEP) development, and assisting school staff.