
  • Accreditation Status

    TEA accredits public schools in Texas at the district level for grades K-12.

    Red Oak ISD is an Accredited District with an Overall Performance Rating "B" (84) for 2021-2022.

    Districts earn a B (80-89) for recognized performance when they serve many students well and encourage high academic achievement and/or appropriate academic growth for most students.

    For more information, visit TEA Website-Accreditation Status (search by district name)

    Accountability Ratings

    The 2022-23 and 2023-24 Accountability Ratings are not released due to the pending lawsuit with the Texas Education Agency. 
    Link to District 2022-2023 Annual Report (presented at public hearing at February 2024 board meeting.)

    The Texas Education Agency (TEA) released results of the latest version of State Accountability. The state has determined it best to give a district an A-F letter grade. For more information on the rating system, visit TEA website: A-F Accountability Resources.

    Red Oak ISD earned a B+ rating from the Texas Education Agency, improving two points from an 86 to an 88 for the 2018-2019 school year.

    Campus Ratings:

    • Eastridge Elementary: B (86)
    • Red Oak Elementary: A (92)
    • Wooden Elementary: A (93)
    • Shields Elementary: B (88)
    • Schupmann Elementary: B (86)
    • Red Oak Middle School: C (74)
    • Red Oak High School: B (83)

    In addition, campuses earned ten distinctions in the past year. Distinctions are earned based on scoring in the top quartile of a state-assigned comparison group. Comparable schools are selected from across the state and usually do not include neighboring schools or even schools within the district.

    • Eastridge Elementary earned 2: Science, Postsecondary Readiness
    • Red Oak Elementary earned 2: Academic Growth, Closing the Gaps  
    • Wooden Elementary earned 3: Science, Postsecondary Readiness, Academic Growth
    • Shields Elementary earned 1: Academic Growth  
    • Red Oak High School earned 2: Science, Academic Growth  

    The TEA provides annual academic accountability ratings to its public school districts, charters, and private schools. For more information, visit 

    Texas Academic Performance Report

    The 2022-2023 Texas Academic Performance Reports (TAPR) are now available at the link below. TAPR combines details of district and campus academic performance with financial reports and information about staff, programs, and demographics.

    2022-2023 TAPR (select to search by campus or district and then enter campus/district name)

    Paper copies can be requested from the Curriculum Department Accountability Division at 972-617-2941 from Merilee Stone.


    TAPR Glossary of Terms (TAPR Glosario Spanish translation of the glossary will be available later this winter.)

    Link to District 2022-2023 Annual Report (presented at public hearing at February 2024 board meeting.)

    Link to 2023-24 PEIMS Financial Actual Report (Red Oak ISD's CDN: 070911)

    Link to District/Campus Improvement Plans

    School Report Cards

    The School Report Card (SRC) is now available on the Texas Education Agency website at the link below. The school report card (SRC) combines accountability ratings, data from the Texas Academic Performance Reports (TAPR), and financial information to give a broad view of campus performance. Available for each campus in Texas, the SRC is intended specifically to inform parents and guardians about a school’s individual characteristics and academic performance.

    Link to TEA Website-School Report Cards (select to search by campus or district and then enter campus/district name)

    A glossary of terms used in the school report cards can be found at the link below:

    Link to SRC Definitions (definiciones en español

    Paper copies can be requested from the Assessment and Accountability Division at 972-617-2941 from Merilee Stone. 

    Federal Report Card

    The 2023-2024 Federal Report Card is now available.

    Red Oak ISD is sharing this information about the district and your child's campus with you as part of its obligations under the federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) and the federal Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA).

    Federal Report Cards for the state, the district, and each of the district's campuses are now available on the Texas Education Agency's website at:

    Link to State Federal Report Card

    Link to District Federal Report Card

    Link to TEA Website-Federal Report Card (select to search by campus or district and then enter campus/district name)

    For the list of information included on the Federal Report Card, please visit the Texas Education Agency's website at:

    Link to TEA Website-Information Included on the Federal Report Card


    If you have difficulty accessing the report card information from the website, hard copies of the reports are available at the district or campus office. If you have questions about the information, please contact Red Oak ISD Assessment and Accountability Department.

    To view a paper copy of any report in the administration building, please contact the Assessment and Accountability Department at 972-617-2941.