
  • Crowdfunding campaigns are designed to procure funds for both supplemental, sustainable instructional materials and teacher/student comfort or consumable items. The two differences are important in supporting educational classroom settings for students, creating a culture, and supporting curriculum materials provided by Red Oak ISD.

    These guidelines provide an overview of procuring both types of materials and outline the who, what, when, where, and why of crowdfunding for ROISD educators. These guidelines were developed by the ROISD Cabinet to ensure processes are in place, including eligible projects and the application processes, funding oversight and ownership, and grant management. Excluded items include salaries or stipends, honorariums, field trips, paid consultants or speakers, staff development/travel expenses, or requests for excessive dollar amounts.

    Eligible Applicants: Applicants must be ROISD employees directly involved with the instruction of students.

    Guidelines vary between Amazon Wishlists and Donors Choose-type platforms. 

    • Amazon Wishlists - are for comfort or consumable items, procurement is private and individual, often family and friends. Items are supplemental to classroom materials provided by Red Oak ISD. They are usually used that year, but any other items are the property of the individual teacher.
    • Donors Choose - are often supplementary instructional materials, and technology, procured through the public platform. Larger projects MUST be vetted and approved for classroom use BEFORE being submitted to Donors Choose. ROISD will support items and they become the owner of said items per Donors Choose guidelines.

    Any items that impact curriculum must be approved by your campus administrator, C&I, technology, and any other department that will be involved in implementation.

    Please see the packet below for guidelines and a Crowdfunding Application for Donors Choose or similar platforms.