Local Scholarship Application

  • Online Form

    Prior to going online to submit the Local Scholarship Application, we suggest that you gather the information listed below. Once you start the online application, you will need to complete the entire form. You DO NOT have the option to save the form and return later to complete the online form before submitting. 

    The last item of the application is a one page student essay; we strongly recommend that you create the essay using a word processor and then copy/paste the essay into the online form.

    Please note that it is not necessary to complete the Local Scholarship Application multiple times.  Once you submit your application, you must contact the College & Career Readiness Coordinator at 972-617-3535 ext.6016 to specify which local scholarship from the website that you want to apply for (list of scholarships using this form can be found at the bottom of this website).  Please be mindful of scholarship deadlines! 

    Information needed for the online form:

    • Full Name of Student
    • Home Address
    • Phone Number (home or cell)
    • Parent's Name
    • Number(s) and age(s) of brothers and sisters presently at home
    • Number of family members who will be enrolled in college
    • Parent's Occupation
    • Approximate Yearly Family Income (before taxes)
    • Academic Information
      • Exact weighted grade point average for seven semesters
      • Exact rank in class for seven semesters
      • Exact number of students in your class
      • Test Information-SAT and/or ACT scores
      • Colleges where you have mailed application
      • Colleges where you have been accepted
      • Anticipated Undergraduate Major
      • Anticipated Occupation/Career
      • Briefly state any special personal or family needs or circumstance that you think might be of interest to the scholarship committee.
    • School Activities...Honors...Community Service
      • List of school activities in which you have participated. Need to indicate the grade year(s) you participated-9, 10, 11, and/or 12.
      • List of leadership positions you have held.  Need to indicate the grade year(s) you participated-9, 10, 11, and/or 12.
      • List of community or church activities, volunteer work, and/or work experiences during grades 9 thru 12. Include grade level, brief description, and the hours per week you participated in that activity.
      • List  of special recognitions, awards, and/or honors received during grades 9 thru 12. Include the appropriate grade level.
    • Student Essay
      • Write an essay describing your future goals and career plans and why you deserve this scholarship. Your essay should not exceed one page. (We strongly recommend that you create the essay using a word processor and then copy/paste the essay into the online form.)

    Scholarship List and Deadlines 

    Seniors can now access local scholarships in the Canvas portal under the Scholarship Headquarters tab.

  • 2024-2025

    The Local Scholarship Application for 2024-2025 will be available in January 2025

     Local Scholarship Form

    ** Please read the instructions on this webpage before filling out the application form.