- Red Oak Middle School
- Overview
All students are required to keep their devices turned off and stored away while in the classroom. Students may use their devices before and after school if they are not in a classroom. Students may use their devices during passing periods and in the cafeteria during breakfast and lunch.
Stored away means to have devices turned off and out of sight - off of their desks and out of their hands and/or lap. Devices must be turned off and stored in "off" mode in their pockets, bags, or backpacks.
An exception to "stored away" is that students may still wear Smartwatches; however, they are not allowed to be turned on to where messages can be sent/received or where apps are available while in the classrooms.
An exception to "usage in the hallways and cafeteria" is that Air Pods may only be used in one ear for safety purposes to allow the student the ability to hear all alerts and safety information.
In the event of unauthorized use, the teacher should ask for the cell phone only one time. Failure to turn over the cell phone upon first request will result in a discipline referral to campus administration for insubordination, confiscation by the administration, and adherence to the graduated list of consequences. Authorized district employees who will be responsible for cell phone confiscation will include administrators and teachers (including substitutes or someone else covering the class.)
1st Offense
Phone is confiscated and the teacher enters a referral.
The parent/legal guardian is contacted by the assistant principal.
Parents/legal guardians or students can retrieve cell phones from school by the end of the school work day.
Phone will be brought to the office by 4:10 p.m. each day.
Offense is a documented discipline referral with 3 points.
2nd Offense
Phone is confiscated and the teacher enters a referral.
The parent/legal guardian is contacted by the assistant principal.
Parents/legal guardians can retrieve cell phones from school by the end of the school work day by appointment and pay an administrative fee of $15.
Offense is a documented discipline referral with 3 points.
3rd Offense
Phone is confiscated and the teacher enters a referral.
The parent/legal guardian is contacted by the assistant principal.
Parents/legal guardians can retrieve cell phones from school by the end of the school work day by appointment and pay an administrative fee of $15.
Student assigned school detention.
Offense is a documented discipline referral with 3 points.
4th Offense
Phone is confiscated and the teacher enters a referral.
The parent/legal guardian is contacted by the assistant principal.
Parents/legal guardians can retrieve cell phones from school by the end of the school work day by appointment and pay an administrative fee of $15.
Student assigned ISS.
Offense is a documented discipline referral with 3 points.
5th Offense (or any offenses beyond 5) •
Phone is confiscated and the teacher enters a referral.
The parent/legal guardian is contacted by the assistant principal.
Parent/legal guardian can retrieve cell phone from school by the end of the school work day by appointment and pay an administrative fee of $15.
Students assigned two (2) days ISS. •
Offense is a documented discipline referral with 3 points.