We believe!

Phone: 972-617-4799 ext. 5144


Degrees and Certifications:

EC-6 Generalist Early Childhood Education EC-6 ESL Certified EC-6 GT Certified EC-12 Special Education MED Educational Technology & Library Science

Ms. Bravenec


My name is Emily Bravenec, and this will be my 13th year of teaching. After spending the last eight years teaching fourth grade and special education, I am making my way back to first grade, and I couldn't be more excited! First grade is truly magical and so many fun and amazing memories await us this school year. 

I live in Midlothian with my son, Logan and dachshund puppy, Ace. I enjoy organizing, helping others, and spending time with my family. My faith is very important to me, and I strive to honor God in everything I do.

I strongly believe in regular communication between school and home. We will be using the Seesaw App to share upcoming events, photos of learning activities in the classroom, and other important information. I also enjoy making phone calls and sending emails throughout the year letting you know just how incredible your kiddo is and how they are doing in class. If there is ever a time you would like to meet to discuss any questions or concerns, I am available to meet during my conference time (9:35-10:25) or before/after school. Please just send an email or Seesaw message beforehand so we can find a day and time that works best.

I am looking forward to a great school year, and cannot wait to get to know my students and their families better. I believe that a strong partnership between school and home is essential for our students' success. Together we can make the 2024-2025 school year the best one yet!


First Grade Schedule
ROISD Vision & Mission
4 Talons