Return 2 Campus Safety Plan

  •  Return 2 Campus 2021-2022

    Updated August 20, 2021


    "" To help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and reduce the potential risk of exposure to our employees and students, we will be following all district-level screening and protocols for positive test results.:

    Please review the Return to Work/Return2Learn plan from ROISD.


    ROISD will practice safety procedures throughout the school day to assist in mitigating the spread of COVID-19. Information regarding face coverings, social distancing guidelines, and PPE are available on the Return to Work/Return2Learn plan from ROISD.


    For the health and safety of all students, staff and visitors are mandated to conduct a daily self-screening for COVID-19 symptoms and fever before arriving at school, or boarding school transportation. No individual should enter this facility if they present any of the COVID-19 symptoms.

    Please review the Return to Work/Return2Learn plan from ROISD for a current list of symptoms. Campuses will follow the Return to Work/Return2Learn plan for students/staff exhibiting symptoms after arrival to the campus.

    "" In addition to using PPE, please remember to: 

    • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol if soap and water are not available
    • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth 
    • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze or use the inside of your elbow


    "" Employees are encouraged to disinfect their own workspace multiple times throughout the day, giving special attention to commonly touched surfaces. ROISD has alcohol-based hand sanitizers throughout the workplace and in common areas. Cleaning sprays and wipes are also available to clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces such as telephones and keyboards. The ROISD Custodial Team will clean all workspaces at their designated cleaning time.

    Please note that proper equipment such as acceptable disinfectants and PPE should be used when cleaning individual workspaces.


    Where feasible without disrupting the educational experience, ROISD will encourage students to practice social distancing.

    • In classroom spaces that allow it, we will consider placing student desks as much as instructionally possible.
    • In classrooms where students are regularly within three feet of one another, ROISD schools will plan for more frequent hand washing and/or hand sanitizing and will consider whether increased airflow from the outdoors is possible.


    To properly social distance and provide enough staffing, we ask that parents avoid early drop-offs in the mornings. We encourage all car riders to drop off after 7:00 a.m. Students will arrive by car or bus and will enter the main entrance.

    Parents/guardians will not be able to leave their cars or enter the building. Parents wishing to meet with teachers or office staff will need to make appointments and if necessary, return at a time when students and staff are inside the classrooms.

    Students wanting to eat breakfast:

    • Students will be served in the cafeteria and seating will be designated by grade level

    Students choosing not to eat breakfast will wait in designated locations until a grade-level teacher is available to escort them to the grade level pod. Teachers will begin escorting students to grade-level pods by no later than 7:10 a.m.

    diagram of traffic flow for arrival procedures

    Please drive around the loop to drop off in the front of the building.


    Students may bring their own meals or be served individually plated meals.  

    • No parents/visitors during lunch at this time.
    • Classes will go to lunch on a staggered schedule to minimize the number of students in the cafeteria each period.
    • Students will wash their hands or use hand sanitizer prior to and following lunch.
    • Classes will be staggered in arrival to minimize waiting in lunch lines.

    diagram of cafeteria table setup



    Bringing or sharing refreshments during meetings is prohibited in order to limit the risk of contamination.

    • Any deliveries can be delivered to the front office with the students labeled on the item.
    • Personal deliveries such as packages should not be delivered to Schupmann.
    • Store bought, Individually wrapped food items will be allowed  for birthday celebrations and class celebrations.



    • Whenever possible, physical education classes will be held outside to allow for maximum physical distance between students.
    • Activities requiring close physical contact or multiple students touching the same equipment will be avoided.
    • Equipment will be disinfected after each use.
    • Sanitizing areas and access to handwashing will be provided. Time will be dedicated to hand washing/hand sanitizing before and after physical activity.


    • When the weather permits students will be allowed to have the standard recess time.
    • Students will attend recess within their grade level.
    • Students will wash their hands or use hand sanitizer before and after recess.


    • Students and staff will sanitize hands upon entering and exiting the library.
    • Visual reminders will be added and furniture rearranged to help students maintain social distancing while in the library.
    • Surfaces will be disinfected regularly.


    • Classroom social distancing practices will be followed.
    • Students will have assigned seats.
    • Students will wash/sanitize their hands before and after class.
    • Surfaces will be disinfected regularly.


    • Students and staff will walk on the right side of the hallway to help maintain social distancing.
    • Signage will be posted to remind students of proper handwashing techniques.
    • As much as possible students will utilize restrooms within their grade level pod.
    • Teachers and staff will remind students of proper handwashing/ use of hand sanitizer throughout the school day.
    • Students/Teachers will limit the use of shared school supplies as much as instructionally possible.


    • Students will remain in the classroom during dismissal and be released to their assigned pick-up points, as shown in the photo below.
    • Dismissal will be staggered to minimize crowding in the hallway.
    • Bus riders will be dismissed by bus number. 
    • Car riders and daycares will dismiss after the majority of buses have left.
    • Once the majority of car riders have been dismissed After the Bell and Walkers will be dismissed.

    diagram of traffic flow for dismissal procedures

    Left lane for passing through | Right lane for grade level pick up | Park in the grade-level pick-up line


    The district/campus counselors will develop videos and resources for parents and teachers to access.  The counselors will work with students individually or in small groups to address any well-being needs.


    Schupmann Elementary will review the safety protocols and monitor implementation throughout the school year. Changes and adjustments will be made to support safety for all students and staff.

    Students will receive ongoing lessons on safety protocols and campus procedures. We will embed additional lessons throughout the year to address any needs.


    Schupmann Meet the Teacher will take place on August 16 from 6:00-7:00 p.m. Masks are highly recommended regardless of vaccination status and families will be asked to social distance throughout the building.