Title I Program

  • The Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 provided the foundation for the grant program known as “Title I”.  Title I monies are awarded to schools based on the percentage of low-income families.  The grant money is used to supplement the education of the students to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education. 

    The five elementary campuses in Red Oak ISD are Title I campuses. 

    What does it mean to be a Title I School?

    • We receive federal funds to provide extra help for all students at the campus.
    • The amount of money depends on the number of students who receive free or reduced lunch.
    • The money supplements the educational experience on the campus.  It is used for teachers, tutoring, paraprofessionals, high-qualify staff professional development,  books, supplies, and materials.     

    How can you help?

    • Attend the parent information meetings and PTA meetings at your campus.
    • Be involved in your child’s education.
    • Volunteer at the campus often (visit the Volunteer Program site to sign up).
    • Become familiar with the campus Parent Compact and Parental Involvement Policy

    Title I campuses believe in and rely upon the partnership between school and home to ensure that their students succeed. We hope you will feel welcome to be a part of your child’s school experience and a part of the success of the campus!