- Eastridge Elementary
- Counselor's Corner
Counseling Program Mission Statement:
Our mission is to provide a comprehensive counseling program that addresses the academic and personal/social development needs of all students. Because we expect all students to be productive members of the school community, the counseling program will identify and remediate barriers to learning-which will help all students to soar to new heights!
School Counseling Services
Classroom Guidance
Whole-class Guidance instruction is provided to all students.
Possible Guidance Lesson Topics
- Feeling/Emotions
- Friendship/Social Skills
- Kindness
- Respecting Self and Others
- Anti-Bullying
- Personal Safety
- Conflict Resolution
- Character Education
- Anger Management
- Career Exploration
Small Group Counseling
Working with students in small groups offers the opportunity for children with similar concerns to learn and talk with each other in a safe and fun environment.
Individual Counseling
One-on-one counseling is available to all students to discuss academic, personal, and social issues. School counseling is not therapy but rather a brief, short-term support for a student during a crisis situation, immediate personal concern, or problem affecting their achievement and focus in school. For students who have needs that cannot be met in the school environment, referrals to outside sources are available.
When to Contact Your School Counselor:
- Academic Achievement Concerns
- Behavioral/Emotional Concerns
- Peer Relations
- Family Transitions (e.g. - divorce, death, re-marriage, new sibling)
- Home Stressors
- Referrals for outside counseling assistance or resources
School counselors assist students and their parents with issues that are affecting a child's performance either academically or behaviorally in the school environment.