Parent-Teacher Association

  • Welcome to 2024-2025 School Year!

    On behalf of the Eastridge Elementary PTA it is our pleasure to welcome you to our wonderful community.  We look forward to a great year filled with fantastic events, community building activities and most importantly, supporting our kids and teachers so they can continue to attain excellence in education. 

    The way to make this the very best year for you and your family and community is to join the PTA.  This is your chance to be a member of a great organization that funds many of the opportunities you see around the school.   For example, did you know the PTA funded transportation to field trips, field day bounce houses, STARR t shirts and snacks for all grades, and teacher special requests that enrich the learning experience.  Your support enhances your child’s/children’s experiences at school and we want to hear from you!  When you join PTA you are not obligated to attend meetings or volunteer, you can participate as much or as little as you would like or are able, finding a perfect balance that is right for you. 

    The next way to make it the best year ever is to volunteer!  It has been proven that a child whose parent that is involved in their child’s education and school experience is a more successful student.  By getting involved at home and school, children do better -grades are better, test scores rise, self esteem increases and schools improve.  By joining and volunteering in PTA there is no better way to get connected.  Know what is happening at Eastridge, meet other parents and teachers and build rapport, plus share ideas, concerns and experiences.  By volunteering, you put your hobbies, skills and interests to work.

    It has been said that the number one reason a parent doesn’t join PTA or get involved is because no one asked…..we are asking!  We are also asking you to invite other parents.  Join us in helping to make this the best year ever!!


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  • Membership

    PTA Sign UP

    Registration for the Eastridge PTA is open. Click the sign up button to join.

    Join PTA


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  • Stay Connected

    For information about upcoming events and meetings, visit Eastridge Elementary PTA Facebook page.

    access Eastridge PTA Facebook page

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