• ROISD seeks name nominations for the second middle school

    Red Oak ISD is seeking name nominations for the second middle school while construction progresses. Red Oak ISD will be accepting nominations in both digital and paper formats from August 1 through August 23. A Committee with Board Members and District leaders will review the nominations and make a recommendation to the Board on September 16.

    The following policy guidelines are used for naming school buildings:

    • Facilities may be named for persons who have served the District or community, especially in service to children.
    • Facilities may be named for any local, state, or national heroic figure.
    • Facilities may be named for local residential or geographic areas or state or national landmarks.
    • A nominee shall have made a significant contribution to society or education, and his or her name shall lend prestige and status to an institution of learning.

    Nominees will need to include their name, the school name they are nominating, and a detailed explanation of why that name. Additional supporting documentation, up to five (5) pages, can also be included with both formats.

    Paper nomination forms are available at the Back to School BASH on August 3 and at the ROISD ESC (Admin. Building) at 109 W. Red Oak Rd. through August 23. No late forms will be accepted. You can also open and print a PDF HERE.

    MS2 names

    Construction on the second middle school for Red Oak ISD is progressing with more of the concrete foundation, driveways, and parking lots completed while vertical walls have finally begun going up starting with the required storm shelter gymnasium. The campus is on schedule to open in late 2025, with occupancy beginning in January 2026. We will have two campuses operating within the current facility in the fall before the transition happens over winter break to two school facilities.

    See more photos and progress at https://roisdbond.com/